Where to Tag Your Prices: Location, Location, Location

It may seem like a time-saver to tag the first spot you can reach on that can of baby corn, but hold your horses! Impressions are formed within seconds. If it takes too long for customers to find a price, they may just find a substitute or forego a purchase entirely instead asking for a price check. There’s a smarter way of price tagging that will ensure that your prices are seen quickly to facilitate a purchase.

Bird’s Eye View
Many customers will look at the top of items first. This is an area that usually has little branding, especially compared to the relatively busy designs along the sides of cans, boxes, cartons, and jugs. When labels appear against this clean surface, they will stand out quite a bit. This is also a fairly intuitive spot to look because as a customer pulls an item off the shelf, natural movement will bring the object to chest level for easy handling and viewing. This presents an immediate view of the top of the package.

This position also offers a nice flat surface for tagging. Once all the items are laid out on a table or stocking push cart, they can be easily tagged in a few broad arm strokes before shelving.

Space on the Face
The front of an item draws a lot of attention. These faces often have bright colors, pictures, and bold-typed titles of what the product actually is. Because it already attracts the eye, putting a label here can be a good choice. However, placing a label here also bears the danger of getting lost in the jumble of branding. It may help, in these cases, to use a label of a contrasting color. If the can is primarily white with many images, a white label may be lost. Neon green, for example, may be a better choice. Make sure that any alternative colors you use don’t conflict with any color-coded labels in the store already.

Down Under
If the item is fairly small, particularly with jarred or canned goods, it may be acceptable to put labels on the underside, particularly if there is already significant branding on the sides and top. The bottom is another surface that is usually kept free of branding. A light weight is key for tagging these products, though, as they must be easily handled to encourage people to turn the item over to look down there in the first place.

Essentially, the main factor to keep in mind when tagging prices is to place labels in an easily viewable spot, one that will not be lost in distracting images already on the packaging.